“Knowing Your True Self” with James Petrossi | Ep. 186

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About this Episode:

In this episode of The Transformative Leader Podcast, I’m happy to bring you a conversation with James Petrossi about the formula to raise human consciousness and the various elements that organizations can use to transform their culture. James also shares invaluable insights from his book, Know Your True Self, related to creating behavioral change and “teaching humans how to be human.” I enjoyed this conversation immensely and found it to be very much in line with my own teaching and coaching practices, and I'm confident you will also find it insightful, personally and professionally.

An expert in consciousness, the mind, and creating behavioral change, James Petrossi’s insights into the human experience have been used for the past 25+ years to develop marketing, sales, and coaching strategies for Fortune 500 and emerging growth organizations.

A master facilitator and dynamic presenter, James utilizes his experience in talent development, creative strategy, and decades of research into the human condition to offer practical solutions that transform people’s lives.

James founded PTNL with the vision of creating a more consciously connected world. He is passionate about helping organizations realize their potential by implementing a holistic, proactive approach to transforming company culture by Teaching Humans to be Human™.

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