The Transformative Leader
Private Workshop
A 1.5-day leadership development & culture transformation workshop
tailored to the needs of your team
Engage your people
Fulfill your vision
Deliver breakthrough results
What is it costing your organization to have disengaged employees?
What is it costing you and your team to be disempowered, stuck, and frustrated by factors beyond your control?
We help you create a customized blueprint aimed at building trust, transforming your culture, and empowering your team to deliver breakthrough results.
Let us guide you through the process of unleashing your potential to bring about both success and fulfillment in your workplace.
Our workshops are great for:
Organizations in the process of re-structuring or mergers
Organizations that have brought in consultants but haven’t been able to get the prescribed changes to stick
Leaders who have tried everything to shift their culture, but still can't sustainably move the needle
Individuals looking for an immediate shift in the results they produce
Teams that aren’t as effective in creating meaningful change in their results and morale, despite their knowledge and best intentions
Leaders and aspiring leaders, with or without formal authority, who wish to dramatically increase their influence and transform the culture and results of their organizations and communities
“Above and beyond my expectations.
I left feeling energized and exhilarated with the possibilities to transform.”
— C. Tabke, T. Marzetti Company
How our workshops are different
Let's face it. There are simply too many of us who, despite our best intentions, are not as productive or fulfilled as we’d like to be. In most cases, it isn’t because we lack the necessary knowledge or skills, and it certainly isn't because we don't have access to sophisticated tools and systems. Rather, unbeknownst to us, there is something holding us back from realizing our full potential in spite of our attempts to become more effective.
Unlike traditional leadership training, our workshops get at the heart of what is holding you back. Most traditional training focuses only on “informative learning,” where participants are merely given tools and skills and knowledge about leadership, all of which end up being limited by underlying disempowering beliefs about oneself and one’s capabilities. Transformative Leader Workshops, however, focus on “transformative learning,” which involves participants adopting the mindset and habits necessary to take full advantage of whatever tools and skills they already possess.
Our workshops are aimed at revealing what is in the way of participants fully utilizing what they already know, and guiding them through the process of examining their mindset, behaviors, and language such that they are able to finally get those obstacles out of the way. As a consequence, participants are left empowered to create an immediate shift in the results they produce, as well as the fulfillment they experience, in their careers and lives.
Past Participants have reported
50% promotion rate within 3 months
Immediate and unprecedented operational results
Significant increase in sales
Unified teams working toward the same objectives
Increased engagement across the organization
Dramatic synergy and collaboration among functions
Dramatic transformation in physical health
More fulfilling and successful relationships
Peace and contentment in the face of adversity
Clarity of purpose and direction in life
Greater self-awareness and appreciation
Enthusiasm to pursue goals that had been on hold