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Executive Coaching
Amir is best known for what he calls “spicy coaching.” This type of coaching encourages clients to confront certain truths they have been avoiding or working around, thus enabling them to unleash their hidden potential to transform their results and fulfillment.
Amir’s coaching methodology is rooted in the fundamental conviction that there is already a Transformative Leader inside each of us. There is nothing that needs to be added, and we lack nothing; we need only to recognize what is in the way of us accessing the ever-present leader within.
Although Amir believes that coaching must be done in the context of specific goals, Amir’s clients have consistently reported unexpected transformations, in both personal and professional arenas, well beyond the initial objectives they had set out to achieve.
“Amir Ghannad is the best in the business.”
— Mitch Dingwall
Director of R&D, Campbell Soup Company
Our Philosophy
The methodology Amir uses to coach clients is to, first and foremost, understand their current situation, specific goals and aspirations, and concerns about how they might get from “here” to “there.” Then, taking a methodical step-wise approach, Amir guides clients in clearing the noise, getting focused, and devising and executing a plan that prioritizes the most impactful milestones to ensure the success of their transformative journey. Throughout the process, Amir considers himself an accountability partner with a vested interest in the client’s success.
Amir’s coaching methodology is rooted in the fundamental conviction, borne out through decades of experience, that there is already a Transformative Leader inside each of us; we are all leaders in some form or fashion in our own lives, regardless of position or title at work. Amir guides clients in shifting their leadership mindset so they can see what is in the way of them accessing the ever-present leader within, thereby accelerating their rate of progress and fulfillment.
Amir believes that, to be effective, coaching must take place in the course of attempting to deliver on specific and stretching goals, and it is in that context that he conducts his sessions. Both Amir and his clients have consistently found this approach to be the most powerful and sustainable way of achieving breakthrough results and satisfaction, both personally and professionally, as well as individually and organizationally.
Amir is known for what he calls “spicy coaching,” which is all about not letting clients’ excuses become a roadblock to their progress. While it may sound a little daunting, there’s no reason to be apprehensive; Amir is adept at delivering his spicy coaching in a way that is compelling and empowering, rather than condemning. The “kick“ of spicy coaching often ends up being what many clients love the most about their sessions with Amir.
Our Approach
The specific approach we take to our coaching relationships is designed and mutually agreed upon during the first couple of sessions, and adjusted as appropriate as we move forward.
However, the general approach will likely involve the following components:
Establish goals and aspirations, both in terms of desired results and capabilities.
Begin to work through the cycle of Clarity, Focus, Commitment, and Resilience, and continue the cycle throughout the coaching relationship.
Work together on two fronts:
Personal Transformation, to uncover what is getting in the way of you being and showing up as the Transformative Leader that you already are.
Culture Transformation, to dramatically increase your ability to influence change and lead a transformation.
Conduct a DiSC assessment and review the results to gain a deeper understanding of how that insight can serve you.
Establish a specific 3-month initiative with stretch goals and milestones as context for coaching conversations.
(The methodology will be similar to that of The Leadership Academy, which Amir has facilitated with unparalleled success for the past 14 years).Perform a 363 Assessment and/or other forms of feedback that provide insight as to how key stakeholders view your strengths and opportunities and how they experience you.
Pull from a variety of tools and methodologies that Amir has access to, as appropriate, to support the client's transformative journey.
Read and discuss the relevant chapters of the book, The Transformative Leader.
For more on Amir’s approach to coaching, you may refer to the following posts:
Coaching Packages
Regular bi-weekly 45-minute coaching calls
Email correspondence between sessions in support of the coaching process
Copy of The Transformative Leader (paperback or e-book)
(Most Popular)
Everything listed in the Base Package, plus…
Up to three 15-minute check-in calls between sessions per month, on an as needed basis
363 feedback to support the coaching process
Ten additional copies of The Transformative Leader (paperback or e-book) and a customized book study format for the client's organization
Availability for Amir to attend business meetings and listen in for the purpose of providing the client with additional perspective and feedback. (Up to two hours in any calendar month during the engagement)
Everything in the Comprehensive Package, plus…
Full partnership with no limits on access to Amir for 15-minute check-in calls and/or availability to attend business meetings as needed
Additional coaching and performance consulting for the client's organization. (Scope TBD for each client)