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“Developing Financial Intelligence” with Henry Daas | Ep. 199

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TTLP 199 : “Developing Financial intelligence” - An Interview with Henry Daas Amir Ghannad: Author, Speaker, Leadership Coach, Culture Transformation Consultant

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About this Episode:

In this episode of The Transformative Leader Podcast, I’m happy to bring you a conversation with Henry Daas about his experience and many lessons on the mindset and approach that can help us recognize, develop, and grow our financial intelligence (FQ). Far from being anything to do with “get rich quick” schemes, Henry explains how our “FQ” is all about the tried and true principles and mindset that help us manage, invest, and grow our wealth. In our conversation, Henry also goes over common misconceptions about Financial Intelligence, including his thoughts on what separates it from regular financial literacy, why wealth isn’t just about money, and so on.

Henry Daas is a serial entrepreneur, business coach, screenwriter, self-described 'ordinary guy', and now personal finance coach! Born in Brooklyn at the tail end of the Eisenhower years, he has lived his entire life in and around NYC. He has lived his life in and around money, as well - from cutting lawns as a kid to managing a stock portfolio as an adult and everything in between. 

He built his consulting business, Daasknowledge, to help provide professional coaching for entrepreneurs & business owners of companies with top-line sales under $10M. His debut book, FQ: Financial Intelligence is the culmination of his six decades of financial knowledge and experience. 

His specialties include consultative advisory, strategic planning, startups, small business, coaching, mentoring, new business development, entrepreneurship, sales, marketing, product management, relationship building, and communications.

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