“The Importance of Mindset” with Gordon Fraser | Ep. 189

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About this Episode:

In this episode of The Transformative Leader Podcast, I’m happy to bring you a conversation with Gordon Fraser about life, leadership, and how we can overcome adversity and keep moving forward. Gordon shares his perspective on the role of mindset in becoming a more effective leader in one’s own life, as well as how leaders can continue to add value to others while experiencing success and fulfillment ourselves. Gordon also shares his perspective on overcoming challenges and remaining resilient in the face of setbacks.

Gordon Fraser is an award-winning sales and leadership expert, Internationally renowned speaker, certified life coach and philanthropist. He is an accomplished entrepreneur who's conceived & implemented systems, generated sales, inspired, mentored, coached and motivated leaders around the world. From the ground up, Gordon laid the foundations and helped build what has now become one of the most successful Network Marketing businesses in the UK.

He has shared the stage with motivational speakers such as Rachel Hollis, Mel Robbins, Connie Podesta & Paul McKenna. Like them, Gordon has shared his ideas, thoughts and solutions for a better life. He's relatable and down to earth. His message is delivered with candidness and observational humour, which can often put the listener at ease and transform their thinking about themselves and others.

He’s shared mainstage in front of tens of thousands in Las Vegas (to three nuns and a whippet in Milton Keynes). 

Amongst the top 1% in his industry, he’s viewed as one of the leading visionaries in his field, having been featured in many publications and media outlets such as “The 4-Year Career”, BBC Radio London, Voice of America and “Savoir Faire Magazine”.

 Gordon conducts a blog, a bi-weekly IG live for his listeners, as well as frequent online conferences for his global partners.

Gordon specializes in working with individuals or organizations, entrepreneurs, executives, direct sales professionals and network marketers who share the desire to be more, have more and give more.

 His coaching covers many topics in “Leadership, Sales Productivity, Performance, Health & Wellness, Beauty and Lifestyle”.

As an investor in people, in 2012 he set up his Scholarship at the London School of Music and Dramatic Arts (L.A.M.D.A) to whom many young actors have benefitted and graduated the School as a result.

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