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“Mindful Leadership in an Awakening World” with Michelle Casto | Ep. 136

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TTLP 136 : "Mindful Leadership in an Awakening World" - An Interview with Michelle Casto Amir Ghannad: Author, Speaker, Leadership Coach, Culture Transformation Consultant

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About this Episode:

In this episode of the Transformative Leader Podcast, I’m happy to bring you a conversation with leadership and success coach, Dr. Michelle Casto, about the new paradigm of success and how leaders can embrace it through the power of mindfulness, self-care, coaching, and more.

Dr. Michelle Casto is a voice for “New Paradigm Success” where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, living their purpose. Casto has a 25 year background in the field of adult education, peak performance and
professional coaching. As a Career and Success Coach, Michelle has worked with clients from all over the globe to create lives and careers that are a reflection of who they truly are on the inside.

She is also a Mindful Leadership Mentor who brings alignment protocols to business strategy and change management. Her particular expertise is guiding leaders to manage “power stress” so that they can access clarity, vision and empowerment – even when the organization is undergoing major evolution.

Her PhD. research encompassed the Science of Success, where she discovered a positive correlation between coaching, mindset and results. A passionate advocate for empowerment, Michelle helps her clients thrive, by employing a potent combination of intuitive, innovative, and strategic success methodologies.

Michelle's work has been featured on Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan, Atlanta Journal Constitution, The Austin Business Journal and hundreds of podcasts. A prolific writer, she is also the author of 8 books on the topics of self-empowerment and life and career success, including The Destiny Discovery: Find Your Soul's Purpose to Success and Heart Empowerment for Empaths.

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