What Game-Changers Are You Working On?

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My regular readers know this would normally be the day when a podcast episode would go up, but as I have been on (a long overdue) vacation with very spotty wifi and an even spottier attention span, the podcast episode has been postponed until next week. So with that in mind, I have decided to publish a blog post instead. My intention is that this post will enable you to see something you couldn’t see before, which will hopefully make a profound difference for you in the coming year.

First of all, let me say that I hope you had a relaxing holiday and a successful re-entry back into your normal routine. And with that in mind, I’d like to encourage you to take a hard look at your normal routine and be intentional about coming up with 1 or 2 game-changers you would like to create in your life this year. I want to further encourage you to go beyond merely identifying those game-changers and actually begin taking the new actions and developing the habits you need to make them happen. I’m not implying that there has to be something “wrong” with your life or that it needs an overhaul, but I am convinced that unless you are focused on 1 or 2 specific ways in which you will elevate your experience of your life, career, relationships, and so on this year, you will miss out on the success and fulfillment that is available to you by settling for the status quo.

If you think about it, a large percentage of what we do on a day-in-and-day-out basis has to do with merely maintaining the status quo in our lives. There is certainly nothing wrong with that, because we all need a certain level of stability to be able to function effectively at home or at work. Maintaining that stability is fine, but we also need to always have a couple of things that we are excited about creating that are not merely extensions of the past. For many of us, these would be those dreams that we have put on hold and would involve a transformative future that we may not know exactly how to create but would be totally excited about if it were to come true somehow.

By now, you may be already a bit resigned or cynical about this little pep talk and be thinking, “Yeah yeah, blah blah blah,” or you might have found this reminder interesting enough to “like” it or “share” it, (which I very much appreciate, as someone in your network might need this extra nudge). But you know what would really make my day is if you would take a moment to actually think about one game-changer you are willing to dedicate yourself to this year. Just one! If you can’t think of the perfect one, just go for the next best thing. Just think of something that would get you excited about the future, anything!

Imagine it is the end of 2017 and you are looking back and feeling great that you picked this one thing to be intentional about and get in action on. Imagine the one thing that would create a step change in the quality of your life at work or at home. This could be something you have been tolerating that really needs to be dealt with, or a dream you have been putting on hold that would completely energize you if you dusted it off and became intentional about going after it. Can you think of something like that? Don’t worry about how to get it done. We’ll talk about that in a minute. For now, please just take the best idea that comes to mind and read the rest of this post with a focus on that one transformative shift you would love to create in your life over the next year.

Now, if you have decided to go along with my request, I’d like you to consider that if the transformation you have in mind is significant and exciting enough, your current way of thinking and your current routine is probably not going to lead to that future. As I have said before, transformation is not a natural extension of past progress. Transformation requires a new way of thinking and being that you are probably not going to achieve without the support of a coach who will make you aware of what I call the “hidden saboteurs of success and fulfillment.” So, the next question I have for you is, “What are you doing to get some coaching and support to actually make that transformative future happen?”

There are many ways to get the coaching you need and, by all means, if you can get it from your spouse, best friend, colleague, or a caring friend, that is wonderful. I am blessed to have cultivated coaching relationships with a few people who keep me on track with the transformative future I am committed to creating in my life.

For some of you, it may be appropriate to engage the support of a professional. If that’s the case, I’d like to be your partner. The easiest thing you can do is to engage in a conversation with me by commenting on this post or sending me a private message. I respond to every message with the intention to make a difference.

If you are ready to take massive action and see some immediate results, however, I’d like you to consider one of my upcoming public workshop retreats, the next of which will take place on Feb. 9-10 in Atlanta. You have probably seen the reminder in my recent posts and you may have even liked or shared it, which again, I appreciate very much. But have you taken a moment to consider the kind of difference that this retreat might make in your life? I can share dozens of testimonies on how my workshops, even just the four hour sessions, have made a profound and immediate difference in the lives of the people who have attended them. They involve people getting promoted in their previously stagnant careers, losing massive amounts of weight in a healthy manner, restoring relationships that had been broken for years, and achieving results that they never thought possible.

You may not be able to envision how this might happen for you over the course of a few hours of conversation, but again, if you are looking at the future through the lens of the past, you will fail to see the opportunities to truly change the game. If you are genuinely interested in an exciting transformative future, rather than more of the same, you must be willing to take actions you would not have ordinarily taken in the past.

I have dedicated a good part of my life to making a difference for people through my coaching and teaching, and I have been blessed to have had a phenomenal response to my workshops just through word-of-mouth thus far. Our last workshop in August generated unprecedented high ratings across-the-board among participants and the one in February is almost sold out with only few seats left. So, I hope that if you have been on the fence about attending and have been able to envision an exciting future for yourself this year, this little reminder will compel you to take that step of following through with your intentions. Above all, I would like to remind you in this post that if you want extraordinary results that are not just an extension of your past progress, you must be willing to take extraordinary action and I would humbly offer my workshop retreat as just one of the possible options you might consider in that regard.

Net, I hope that you can look back at 2016 and be grateful for what you have accomplished, and look forward to 2017, anticipating a couple of big game-changers and be willing to get in action to make them happen. I would love to hear from you, either through the comment section of this post or through a private message, so that we can discuss the ways that will best help you determine what actions you must take right now to make this year the best year of your life so far.

Have a great week! May you Boldly Declare, Courageously Pursue, and Abundantly Achieve the Extraordinary! I would love to hear about your victories and/or challenges. Please leave your comments below or send me an email at amir@theghannadgroup.com.

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What Game-Changers Are You Working On? Part 2


The Non-Conformist’s Dilemma