Create a team of accountable leaders
Are you a Senior Leader?
Here’s how we can support you
Executive Coaching
on-demand, real-time access to Amir’s perspective and advice
Interactive facilitated sessions, aimed at developing leadership capability and team effectiveness
Organizational Consulting
Customized activities to supplement your internal efforts to deliver your objectives
"I can’t tell you how impressed I was with your depth of knowledge of transformative leadership, and equally enthralled with your presentation style. A winning combination that keeps someone of my vintage engaged and wanting for more. "
— Rick Mosquera, VP, Conagra Brands
How long is a typical Executive Coaching engagement?
The minimum duration of a coaching engagement is 6 months; however, the typical client renews multiple times.
How do you make sure that the work you are doing integrates well with what the organization already has in place?
Amir takes a great deal of care to understand what is working and what isn't working on the front end. He will then work with you and your team to jointly develop a plan whose components build on what is working already rather than "reinvent the wheel." That way, the work that Amir guides you toward will not come off to people as something extra that's being put on top of what the organization already has in place, but rather an organic expansion of what is already working well.
How do you make sure that progress doesn't stop at the end of the engagement?
Amir believes that most organizations under-utilize the talent they already have, so he intentionally works on amplifying the voices and increasing the capability of your team members. Additionally, Amir ensures a seamless transition once his involvement is done. Starting very early in the process, he guides you in identifying team members whose passion and aptitude align with the various functions he serves within the organization during the engagement. Then, as part of his work as an external resource, he mentors and coaches those individuals to fill the gap as valuable internal resources going forward.
How do you measure progress?
Amir believes that the ultimate measure of whether his work is effective or not should be directly tied to the results that the organization is already charged with delivering. However, he will also work with you to establish in-process or leading measures to check progress along the way.
How much involvement does Amir have with a typical consulting client?
Amir offers three levels of consulting, which will be agreed upon on the front end:
Advisor - The client calls upon us on an as-needed basis to deliver certain services, which are quoted and delivered on a standalone basis.
Catalyst - We jointly define the objectives of the overall effort with the client and agree on the scope and cost of the services that The Ghannad Group will provide. There is flexibility in this time-based agreement to flow to the work as necessary, even if it deviates from the original scope, as long as the amount of effort required is similar to the original agreement.
Partner - The Ghannad Group basically becomes part of the client’s team, and Amir becomes embedded in the organization in this goal-based agreement. Although guidelines are established on the level of involvement from The Ghannad Group concerning the client’s ultimate outcomes, the client has virtually unlimited access to our resources as necessary to meet those outcomes. The Ghannad Group exercises ultimate flexibility to get involved wherever deemed appropriate to achieve the client’s ultimate goals.