“The Transformative Power of Coaching” with Marcia Reynolds | Ep. 089


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About this Episode:

In this episode of the Transformative Leader Podcast, I’m happy to bring you a conversation with best-selling author and world-renowned coaching expert, Dr. Marcia Reynolds, about how leaders can harness the power of conversation to evoke the transformative potential within ourselves and others, especially in uncertain times. As a Master Certified Coach, Marcia applies her expertise to help coaches and leaders make every conversation a difference-making experience. She has provided coaching and training in 41 countries, and is recognized by Global Gurus as the #5 coach in the world. Excerpts from Marcia’s books Outsmart Your Brain, The Discomfort Zone, and Wander Woman have appeared in business and psychological publications worldwide. Her latest book is Coach the Person, Not the Problem: A Guide to Using Reflective Inquiry.

It was an honor to have a coaching expert, and kindred spirit, like Marcia on the show. I can personally attest to the powerful effect that even a simply simple conversation can have in someone’s life and, both myself and Marcia are passionate about how coaching can make the world a better place. As Susan Scott has noted, “Our work, our relationships, and our lives succeed or fail one conversation at a time,“ and the insights that Dr. Marcia shared in our conversation certainly reaffirm the truth of that statement. And when it comes down to it, coaching is really just the intentional engagement in conversations that evoke—literally “bring out“—the inherent transformative potential we all have within us..

This was a great conversation about such a powerful and important topic and skill that every leader should endeavor to perfect. I would have loved to talk even longer with Marcia, and would love to have her on the show again in the future. So, with that said, this is an episode you definitely won’t want to miss!

Some topics discussed in this episode include:

  • How Marcia discovered her passion for coaching and evoking transformation through conversations.

  • What is reflective inquiry, and how it separates traditional leadership coaching from transformative coaching.

  • Why one of the most important roles of a leader, especially during times of crisis and uncertainty, is to create an environment in which their people feel safe expressing themselves and voicing their concerns.

  • What is the neuroscience behind how coaching affects the brain, heart, and gut nervous systems.

  • Three mental habits that leaders can adopt to become better coaches

  • And much more…

Marcia Reynolds, PsyD is the President of Arizona-based Covisioning, a Transformational Leadership Coaching and Training organization. Marcia is also the Training Director for the Healthcare Coaching Institute in North Carolina. She was the 5th global president of the International Coach Federation, and was recently inducted into ICF’s Circle of Distinction for her contributions to the global coaching community. She is also on faculty for coaching schools in China, Russia, and the Philippines. Many of her clients are multinational companies, where she coaches executives and teaches leaders how to use coaching skills in their daily conversations. Prior to coaching, she oversaw organizational change programs for two global companies. Her programs helped one company launch the most successful IPO in the United States in 1993.

Guest Links:

To learn more about Dr. Marcia and her work, you can visit her website, where you can also learn about her books. You can connect with Sallie on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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