An Interview with Leadership Expert, Mack Story | Ep. 003

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About this Episode:

For this week's podcast, I invited my friend and leadership expert, Mack Story, to share his extraordinary journey from front-line machine operator to top leadership roles and ultimately leadership motivational speaker. Mack's passion for empowering people in the workplace is one that has been developed over many years of practical experience. In this episode, Mack shares some of his leadership philosophies, such as the distinction between success and significance, as well some specific tips, such as the "Rule of 5," that have had a profound effect on his success and fulfillment, and which will certainly make a difference for anyone else who is willing to practice them. This episode is a must listen for not only leaders who want to become more effective in their roles, but also those without formal leadership titles who would like to increase their influence and impact. 

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