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“Creating Extraordinary Remote Cultures” with JJ Caffey | Ep. 138

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TTLP 138 : "Creating Extraordinary Remote Cultures" - An Interview with JJ Caffey Amir Ghannad: Author, Speaker, Leadership Coach, Culture Transformation Consultant

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About this Episode:

In this episode of the Transformative Leader Podcast, I’m happy to bring you a conversation with entrepreneur, JJ Caffey, about the challenges and opportunities of creating extraordinary cultures in a remote work environment. JJ shares a great deal of perspective on what to do and what not to do to give team members a sense of belonging and support, even and especially in today's virtual environment when many employees are feeling disconnected.

JJ is an entrepreneur specializing in the future of work. As Founder & CEO of Order In, a private membership club for the leaders of remote work, JJ is building a better workday by researching, studying and developing the future of the office and work trends. 

Now more than ever employees are working from home due to COVID-19. People have been experiencing remote work for the first time and wondering if there will even be an office to go back to. JJ offers a better understanding of this new role of the remote worker and its effects. JJ helps people better understand the relationship between physical space & productivity, building unity & culture among teams when working remotely and dealing with isolation and lack of structure. 

JJ Caffey is an entrepreneur specializing in the future of work. With a focus on community, connectedness, and efficiency, JJ’s mission is to revolutionize American work culture. JJ is also Co-Founder of Venture Foragers, a venture capital research firm enabling student teams to explore frontier tech sectors. JJ earned her MBA from Wharton in 2019, and also holds degrees in anthropology and luxury brand management.

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