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“Spiritual Intelligence at Work” with Steve Rodgers | Ep. 121

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TTLP 121 : "Spiritual Intelligence at Work" - An Interview with Steve Rodgers Amir Ghannad: Author, Speaker, Leadership Coach, Culture Transformation Consultant

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About this Episode:

In this episode of the Transformative Leader Podcast, I’m happy to bring you a conversation with consultant and coach, Steve Rodgers about how we can all use “spiritual intelligence” to achieve and maximize our highest good, both in life and in business.

Steve Rodgers is a Spiritual Business Activist and creator of Alchemy Advisors coaching and consulting firm. Steve is a former Warren Buffett CEO who experienced a radical spiritual transformation that has evolved into a new mission as a purpose-driven consultant and entrepreneur coach, in-demand international keynote speaker, and bestselling author.

Steve specializes in helping business owners and leaders increase profits while bringing spiritual intelligence into every aspect of their personal and professional lives to invite in success, fulfillment, and abundance beyond their wildest dreams. He recognizes himself as a spiritual being having a human experience whose purpose is to help individuals discover their purpose and maximize their highest good.

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